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Product Description:


Try SOAPERB Fragrance Oils today!


It smells SUPERB in soap, lotion, body oil, and more.

After months of searching, we finally found the fragrances that show the spirit of soaperb! It's handpicked by SOAPERB TEAM.


We're donating 1% of our revenue from fragrance oil sold to kids with special needs.


Common Use:


Cold process, Melt & Pour Soapmaking, Candles, Perfumes, Diffusers, Skincare Products, Hair Care Products, Bath Bombs, incense, Beauty salons, etc.


Fragrance Oils are highly concentrated and are meant for external use only. 


Examples of formulations:


Soaps, candles, skincare and haircare formulations (Leave-on products, Rinse-off products), Diffuser Oil, etc.

White Rose Fragrance Oil

  • Appearance: Clear Liquid

    Colour Range: Pale Yellow

    Odor Profile: Floral-Rosy

    Shelf Life: 2 Years

    Performance in Cold-pressed Soaps (Please make a small batch trial first before making any large batches with new fragrance oils in cold process soap making. We know how bad it feels if it goes wrong)

    Acceleration: Accelerates Slightly

    Discoloration: No discoloration


    Recommended For


    Usage Instructions

    Cold/Hot Process Method


    5% to 10% depending on the formulation

    Melt and Pour Method


    Max usage 3%

    Bath Bombs


    Max usage 5%

    Incense Stick


    As per requirement

    Shampoo/ Facewash


    Max usage 4% (Rinse-off product)

    Creams/ Lotions





    Addition of FO in diffusers

    Massage/ Beauty Salon


    As per requirement

    Candle Making


    Scent Strength- Medium, up to 8%


    Shipping Restrictions: No Shipping Restrictions

    Storage Instructions: Transfer to glass containers if needed. Keep away from bright lights and heat.

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